case study

Aeris Support Center

Migrate a product support site to a modern framework, update content to align to audience metrics, and extend the brand voice of the company to a user-friendly, searchable support center.


The current support center for company product lines resided in Atlassian Confluence. While informative, the interface wasn’t easily searchable and the support text was tilted to an engineering-focused audience, and required an update to become approachable to a wider swath of users, to align more closely with audience metrics.


To create a document export solution for clients who required a separate support system, update content to align to audience metrics, and extend the brand voice of the company to a user-friendly, searchable support center.


Working closely with customer success, marketing and development teams, these criteria were identified:

- Customers were already filing support tickets in Zendesk, and Zendesk’s theming system and searchable interface and extensibility made it the appropriate portal for customer questions, ease of maintenance, and FAQs / support documentation
- Development identified an open-source framework, DITA, as the source of document “truth”, with capability to export help center articles to Zendesk
- Develop a visual design for the support system, extended from corporate website design patterns, with review and approval from marketing team
- Optimize support calls to reduce time spent on frequently asked questions, garnered from support tickets

After identifying requirements, Customer Success worked with Support team to rewrite documentation to support general use of the app as well as frequently asked questions fielded by support staff. Development got started on DITA, and building flow from DITA to Zendesk.

While those teams were in action, user experience and user interface improvements moved forward by:

- Wireframing the current content map and making recommendations to improve flow and reduce number of actions to get to desired content
- Designing a Zendesk theme extended from Aeris brand guidelines and design patterns on corporate site
- Building a theme and templates within Zendesk


Move an app from an off-the-shelf, MVP look and feel to a mature and polished design system, and guide the transition by introducing a beta environment for new features and a user feedback loop for continuous improvement.
The original Aeris Support Center in Atlassian Confluence.
Landing page, content sections and individual support articles.