Case Study

Aertrak Internet of Things (IoT) Fleet Management App

Move an app from an off-the-shelf, MVP look and feel to a newly-established product design system, and guide the transition by introducing a beta environment for new features and a user feedback loop for continuous improvement.


Aertrak is an IoT fleet management solution that serves markets in India, Vietnam and Indonesia. With a SIM inside a device, a vehicle can be tracked and gather data like speeding, crashing, hard braking and turns. A fleet manager can set up geofences (a virtual boundary using GPS or similar systems) for groups of vehicles in order to keep those assets within optimal routes and reduce theft. A separate app for drivers allows for onboarding and connection within fleets.


The app was based on Google’s Material Design framework, and needed to move to a newly-developed product design system. There was a large delta between the old and new design systems, so development created a beta environment that would allow users to try out the new system and provide feedback.


Working closely with development teams, the following criteria were identified:

• Transition site from Material Design to an official Aeris product design system
• Create a beta environment that would allow users to try out the new interface and switch seamlessly between old and new UI
• Notify users the change was coming well in advance of official transition
• Resume feature enhancements and upgrades on an Agile development cycle

After identifying requirements, the upgrade path started with a login screen update and moving the existing app to new color palette and typography to ease the transition to greater changes to come.


The beta environment development created was used to test new features with users and gather metrics and feedback. A pipeline was established with the marketing team to prepare users for updates

The app's visual design was fully transitioned off Material Design and synced with Aeris brand. The new and centralized design system was synced with React design library to minimize bespoke code and make global changes easily.
Aeris Aertrak
The original app based on Material Design.
Sample wireframes for login entry and verification.